
Top Chef -- Puerto Rico

First, I want to preface with a statement: I am slightly inebriated. So posting will be short and swift. Most of my focus will be on personal enjoyment of the episode. Also, I love Padma. And she looks gorgeous in this tropical shirt/dress thing.

Anyway, on to the episode.

Padma drinking beer... did I mention she’s the best ever? I bet she’s only doing it to save face, though (because the guest judge mentioned it in the description of the dish).

Holler at Stephanie winning the quickfire. I like her a lot. Funny that it took her this long to get a quickfire win.

Padma can sell her crap better than anyone. “This has been the private residence of all Puerto Rico’s governors since the 1300s, so we’re very honored to be here.” Whatever.

So... what’s with the last four eliminated contestants showing up in Puerto Rico? I mean, cool that they got a free trip? Yes? Sure. More Spike is always good. But Nikki annoys me, so we need less of her.

Why is Lisa still here? Still on this show? Still alive? She bugs me to no end, is a horrible chef, and her haircut is just... I can’t even talk about that.

What the FUCK DALE?! IF YOU GET STEPHANIE SENT HOME (for leaving the meat out) I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!...........

Why is Padma wearing a toga?... I don’t know what to think about this. It’s okay though, she can do no wrong in my book. (I’m sorry. I promise this will not turn into a praise-Padma blog.)

Okay, just kidding. Padma looks gorgeous in a toga. And also, just kidding, this may end up as a praise-Padma blog.


Richard wins, though. That’s cool, I guess. At least Stephanie can still win in the finale! Plus, Stephanie winning the car would be kind of tragic, since we all know women drivers are the number two problem for our nation. I guess Padma is just looking out for the innocent bystanders.

Antonia says, “I really don’t wanna go home. I really, really don’t wanna go home.” If I was there, I would’ve said something like, “NO SHIT, NONE OF US DO, THAT’S WHY WE’RE ON THIS SHOW!”

Um... roflmfao @ 91% of people thinking Lisa should pack her knives and go.

Damn........................................................................... Antonia packing up? I’m... kind of shocked. Lisa is freaking awful. She’s worse than Antonia, Spike, and Dale. Maybe even Andrew and Nikki. I can’t believe she’s in the final three.

Oh well, Go Stephanie!