
Top 50 -- 25-21

Some more great movies that you all should check out if you want to remain friends with me!

25. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007) || IMDb
Last Year: N/A

Where to begin about this beautiful movie? I read the book, which was just as amazing (and heartbreaking), but the movie is also so good. To summarize: Jean-Do Bauby was the editor of French Elle magazine until he suffered a serious stroke, which left his only contact with the outside world through blinking his left eye (while his brain was fully functional). This results in a 'locked-in syndrome.' Through this, a system is created where he can communicate through blinking, and eventually he writes a complete memoir. The memoir itself is great, even if you don't consider that it took him much, much longer to compose than a normal person with a keyboard. Seriously, see this movie.

24. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) || IMDb
Last Year: 45, up 21

Audrey Hepburn is one of the most glamorous screen legends of all time--we all know this. In Breakfast at Tiffany's, despite a few minor turns for the melodramatic, we get a sense of real humanity and originality, not only in Hepburn, but in all the characters. So maybe this isn't the best movie ever made, but it is one I enjoy a lot.

23. Finding Nemo (2003) || IMDb
Last Year: 23, no movement

What can I possibly say about this film? It's brilliant on so many levels, and easily my favorite Pixar film (which says a lot, since I love Pixar). I could (and did, at one point in time) watch this movie every single day and never tire of it.

22. Clue (1985) || IMDb
Last Year: 17, down 5

Another movie I would never tire of. Classic slapstick, a little whodunit, and even some genuine, witty comedy.

21. Psycho (1960) || IMDb
Last Year: 15, down 6

Hitchcock is certainly, without a doubt, one of the masters of cinema. And while I've seen many of his films, this one still sticks with me the most. I think Vertigo is a better movie. It even sticks with me more. But for some reason I cannot shake off the power of Psycho and what a great movie it is.