
Top 50 -- 30-26

[Note: I'm testing Blogger's scheduled post feature, which is kind of new. I'm not really awake at 9:30, so if this posts, sweet. If now, well... maybe I can figure out what I did wrong.]

More Top 50, more Great Movies!

30. City Lights (1931) || IMDb
Last Year: N/A

I've seen many Chaplin movies recently, and this one shall represent them all on this countdown. Mainly because the end scene is one of the greatest moments in cinema, and I dare not spoil it for those who haven't seen this film. City Lights is single-handedly one of the best movies ever created, and I encourage everyone to see it. Rent it, on VHS if you have to. Also, recently I found this movie in a DVD store and bought it (so I didn't have to order it online), so, score!

29. Love Actually (2003) || IMDb
Last Year: 39, up 10

Bridget Jones may take the cake for lovable characters, but this movie is just one huge conglomeration of, well, love. Really, this film hits all the notes, and sure it's sappy, but it still works. And I < 3 it.

28. Chinatown (1974) || IMDb
Last Year: 26, down 2

The 70s was a great decade for movies. Arguably one of the best--at least for mainstream movies. And this noir/neo-noir is one of the reasons why.

27. Gone With the Wind (1939) || IMDb
Last Year: 18, down 9 (I don't know, I can't do math)

Do I really need to explain why this movie is on here? Seriously, it's one of the greatest.

26. The Shining (1980) || IMDb
Last Year: 47, up 21

More Jack Nicholson, more Kubrick (wait...). My favorite horror movie, so well crafted and executed. Again, I feel like I should explain, but what's the point? This movie is great and everyone knows it.