
Top 50 -- 40-36

Let's keep this Top 50 countdown going. More great movies!

40. Halloween (1978) || IMDb
Last Year: 19, down 11

A big shift, I know. But I have to be honest, or else this list is pointless. The terrible remake didn't help, and while this is still, for my money, one of the best horror movies ever made, some things are now higher on my list. But still, the fact that Halloween made this list means something, doesn't it? 40 is not bad at all.

39. Pulp Fiction (1994) || IMDb
Last Year: N/A

I'm going to spoil it and say this movie replaces Reservoir Dogs. Two nights ago I watched Pulp Fiction again, and it truly is a great movie, despite countless college idiot kids quoting it and ruining it. Not only if the writing continuity flawless (threads weave together perfectly), but there are some very subtle touches that make the movie fantastic. On my last viewing, when Jules and Vincent walked out of the diner in the final scene, I felt myself wishing that I could follow them, that the movie would last another hour. Corney? Maybe. But that's what makes a good movie.

38. The Apartment (1960) || IMDb
Last Year: N/A

This movie has had an odd growing effect on me. The first time I watched it I thought it was good, but shrugged it off. Now I find myself thinking of it often in fond recollection. Not only is it a great comedy, but the heart of the movie, the 'drama,' is great as well. Whenever I wake up with a hangover I still often think, "My head feels like a wad of chewing gum."

37. Mean Girls (2004) || IMDb
Last Year: 30, down 7

Do I really need to explain how or why this movie is on the list? Quotable beyond reason. Also, I've watched quite a few episode of '30 Rock' recently, and that makes me appreciate Tina Fey so much more.

36. The Godfather: Part II (1974) || IMDb
Last Year: 27, down 9

A sequel better than the original? No. Almost equal, though. A movie so rich and grand that I honestly think it would be a crime to watch The Godfather and not sit through this sequel. It adds a whole new layer to the story of the Corleone family, how could anyone pass it up?

More tomorrow!