
Top 50 -- 45-41

Let's keep this countdown going!

45. Army of Darkness (1992) || IMDb
Last Year: 36, down 9

Great comedy. Mediocre horror. Plenty of ridiculousness. I still enjoy this movie a lot. Not much else to say, really.

44. Shakespeare in Love (1998) || IMDb
Last Year: 46, up 2

What's better than Shakespeare? A movie about Shakespeare, perhaps. Recently I've become acquainted with lots of Tom Stoppard's writings, and that gives me some newfound appreciation for this movie. Plus, it is still a great movie.

43. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) || IMDb
Last Year: N/A

The scene where Clyde and Bonnie meet is one of my favorite movie moments of all time. Also, reading the script, that writing is great as well. I also like Faye Dunaway a lot, and Warren Beatty is kind of The Man. One of my favorite lines:

[after Clyde shows off his marksmanship with a handgun]
Bonnie Parker: You're good!
Clyde Barrow: I ain't good. I'm the best!
Bonnie Parker: And modest!

42. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) || IMDb
Last Year: 29, down 13

The first real non-critically acclaimed movie on the list. The movie takes a fall, but I still love it. A guilty pleasure, it's one of those movies where I know it's not great or artsy, but something about it just sticks with me. There's this familiarity with the characters that always comforts me.

41. Blazing Saddles (1974) || IMDb
Last Year: 24, down 17

How can one not enjoy the works of Mel Brooks? Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and The Producers are arguably three of the best comedies ever made. A fall, yes, but hey, this movie is still on the list.

Be back tomorrow!