
Very quick mini-reviews:

Cabaret (1972) - IMDb

I like a good musical, but for some reason Cabaret didn't do it for me. The songs were entertaining, the acting was pretty good, the movie paid attention to details and was very pretty, but the fact I had to look at Liza Minelli for 2 hours was a huge turn-off.

She played a great Sally Bowles and I was laughing at some of her lines, but she looks like a 12 year-old boy and it's hard to buy into her being somewhat of a prostitute.

This movie was good in visuals and good on paper, but the feel and mood just wasn't doing it for me.

Rating: 7/10

How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) - IMDb

A feel-good comedy about three girls who move to New York and rent out a high class apartment in hopes of marrying millionaires, until unfortunately (or, fortunately, depending on how you look at it) they find that money and love don't always mix.

Highly predictable plot, but still enjoyable because of some good one-liners and nice eye candy. Even though she's on the posters and DVDs, Marilyn Monroe isn't really the star of this picture, she just has some cute jokes about how she's damn near blind without her glasses (most of which seem commonplace now, but back then were original).

It's all build-up until the last scene where all the ladies have all the men, and though it's expected from about ten minutes in, it's a very satisfying ending.

Rating: 7/10

North by Northwest (1959) - IMDb

Alfred Hitchcock. Cary Grant. Eva Marie Saint (hint: On the Waterfront).

Amazing script. About 10-15 minutes too long for my tastes, but maybe that's because I was watching it when I was tired. Who's to question Hitchcock anyway? What a genius.

See this movie.

Rating: 9.25/10

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