
Even though my morning turned out shitty because my teacher is the biggest idiot ever, it's still nice to see a little common courtesy that goes unnoticed a lot in today's society.

On my way home there's this road where it's a downward slope (going to, upwards if going from) with two potential places for cops to sit and easily ticket people for speeding. One's a road to some housing complex with a wall on the side, blocking my view, and the other is, well, around another wall, by a school. Sometimes I see upwards of 5 cop cars on that road.

Driving down this road today a black car driving the opposite way of me flashed me some highbeam action. I slowed from going about 50 to somewhere around 25 (the speed limit) and saw a cop with a radar standing in one of the previously mentioned spots.

So, big shout out to people who look out for others in situations like these. It doesn't matter who it is - no one likes a speeding ticket.

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