
'Choke' Trailer

So a day or so ago the trailer for the film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's Choke went online. You can view it here.

This is a prime example of how an adaptation can ruin a great book. Well, maybe not a 'great' book, but a good book. From the looks of it, the comedy fails miserably at transferring to the big screen and just comes off as tasteless. Is it Sam Rockwell's delivery? A big part of me thinks so.

It's for reasons like this I don't want to watch the movie Lolita. Loved the book. Love Kubrick. But from what I've read, Kubrick destroyed the script he asked Nabokov to write for him, and I think the movie will ruin my love for the book. Not that Choke is in the same ballpark, but it's the same sport.