
Reevaluation of Watchmen

Upon first seeing the trailer for the upcoming film 'Watchmen,' I was moderately put off. The main reason was it had a tag of, 'From the visionary director of 300.' "Visionary Director?" What in the hell does that mean? Oscar Winning Director, I get. Visionary Director doesn't mean anything. That's even a step below 'Acclaimed ______ of ________.' Plus, 300 was really, really awful.

But Zack Snyder did direct the remake of Dawn of the Dead, which is one of the better recent horror movies, so he gets some slack.

Originally the concept of Watchmen seemed bland and confusing, with the trailer really revealing no plot whatsoever. But with the movie about to come out, I decided to pick up the original graphic novel to read beforehand. Let me tell you: This was a great decision. I can't put this novel down, it's so good.

I know the novel came out in ~1986, so I'm behind the curve, but cut me some slack. It's so interwoven and intricate that I have to force myself to stop reading it so I don't finish it in a day. Few books do that for me. I think the last one to do that was 1984.

I can imagine that it is a near impossible task to put this much material into a film, but hopefully it won't be a blown opportunity. I'm ready to accept that the film won't be as in-depth as the novel, but damn, does that trailer look better every time I watch it. I will definitely be there opening day.

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