
Big Brother -- An Awful Week

It seems inevitable that Big Brother 9 has now gone down the toilet. This week the people in the house were:

Sharon, Josh, James, Chelsia
Adam, Sheila, Natalie, Ryan

Split into two levels for respective house 'sides.' And since Adam won HoH, it looks like the side I want to go far is now screwed.

Chelsia was voted to go home tonight. Makes me sad, but at least she went out with a 'bang.' I'm glad she told Natalie off, because I hate Natalie so much. She's a complete idiot. Unfortunately, she is now the new HoH. That means the game is basically over.

Here's how I expect it to play out:
Natalie nominates James and Josh. Unless James wins the PoV again, he will go home. If he does, Sharon will go up, and because Josh is allied with Ryan, Sharon will have to leave. Either way, it's down to 2 against 4.

One of those remaining two HAS to win HoH. If neither do, they're both done. If one of them does, they may still have a chance. Either way, I see Josh making it the farthest out of the three, but the end will be tough.

Natalie is the worst possible new HoH and I feel like I've wasted so much time on this show now! But, I'm addicted.

The only way I see someone I like winning is this:

James goes home. Sharon/Josh wins HoH, puts up Natalie and Sheila. One of them goes. Whoever wins next either puts Josh/Sharon up and Sharon wins PoV. That way Josh could have the votes of ideally Ryan and Sharon, so the replacement would go home. Then, the people I like are back in power. This all banks on Ryan staying good with Josh and some challenge wins, but it's not totally impossible.

We'll see....

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